Using Forms in Razor Pages

Forms are used for transferring data from the browser to the web server for further processing, such as saving it to a database, constructing an email, or simply subjecting the data to some kind of algorithm and then displaying the result.

The HTML form element

The HTML <form> element is used to create a form on a web page. The form element has a number of attributes, the most commonly used of which are method and action. The method attribute determines the HTTP verb to use when the form is submitted. By default, the GET verb is used and the form values are appended to the receiving page's URL as query string values. If the action attribute is omitted, the form will be submitted to the current URL i.e. the page that the form is in.

Usually, you submit forms using the POST verb which removes the form values from the URL and allows more data to be sent in the request as query strings are limited by most browsers. Therefore you should provide a method attribute with the value post:

<form method="post">

Capturing user input

The primary role of the form is to capture input provided by the user for transfer to the web server. A collection of form controls, represented by the input, select and textarea elements are designed to accept user input for submission.

The input element's display and behaviour is controlled by its type parameter. If omitted, the type defaults to text and the control renders as a single line textbox:

There are a range of other input types whose behaviour and appearance differs based on the type value, and the browser:

Type Example Description
checkbox Renders as a check box
color Renders a color picker
date Renders a date control
dateTime Obsolete, replaced by datetime-local. Was never implemented by browser vendors.
datetime-local1 Creates a control that accepts the date and time and displays it in the browser's local format
email A text box that accepts valid email addresses only. Validation is performed by the browser
file Renders a file selector
hidden Nothing is rendered. Used to pass form values that do not need to be displayed
image Renders a submit button using the specified image
month1 Renders a control designed to accept a month and year
number Some browsers render a spinner control and refuse to accept non-numeric values
password Values entered by the user are obscured for security purposes
radio Renders as a radio button
range Browsers render a slider control
search A text box designed to accept search terms. Some browsers may provide additional features such as a content reset icon
submit Renders a standard submit button with the text "Submit"
tel A textbox designed to accept telephone numbers. Browsers do not validate for any specific format
time1 A control that accepts a time value in HH:mm format
url A text input that validates for a URL
week1 An input that accepts a week number and a year
  1. These input types only enjoy partial support across the latest browsers. None of them are supported by IE 11.

The two other most commonly used elements for capturing user input are the textarea, rendering a multi-line textbox, and the select element, which is used to encapsulate multiple option elements, providing the user with a mechanism for choosing one or more of a fixed list of options.

Accessing User Input

User input is only available to server-side code if the form control has a value applied to the name attribute. There are several ways to reference posted form values:

  • Accessing the Request.Form collection via a string-based index, using the name attribute of the form control as the index value.
  • Leveraging Model Binding to map form fields to handler method parameters.
  • Leveraging Model Binding to map form fields to public properties on a PageModel class.


This approach is not recommended, although it offers a level of familiarity to developers who are migrating from other frameworks (such as PHP, classic ASP or ASP.NET Web Pages) where Request.Form is the only native way to access posted form values.

Items in the Request.Form collection are accessible via their string-based index. The value of the string maps to the name attribute given to the relevant form field. The form below has one input that accepts values named emailaddress:

<form method="post">
    <input type="email" name="emailaddress"> 
    <input type="submit">

You can access the value in the OnPost handler method as follows:

public void OnPost()
    var emailAddress = Request.Form["emailaddress"];
    // do something with emailAddress

The string index is case-insensitive, but it must match the name of the input. The value returned from the Request.Form collection is always a string.

Further Information

Leveraging Model Binding

The recommended method for working with form values is to use model binding. Model binding is a process that maps form values to server-side code automatically, and converts the strings coming in from the Request.Form collection to the type represented by the server-side target. Targets can be handler method parameters or public properties on a PageModel.

Handler method parameters

The following example shows how to revise the OnPost handler method so that the emailAddress input value is bound to a handler method parameter:

public void OnPost(string emailAddress)
    // do something with emailAddress

And here is how the handler code would be modified to work with a public property:

public string EmailAddress { get; set; }

public void OnPost()
    // do something with EmailAddress

The property to be included in model binding must be decorated with the BindProperty attribute.

Further information

Tag Helpers

The form, input, select and textarea elements are all targets of Tag helpers, components that extend the HTML element to provide custom attributes which are used to control the HTML generation.

The most important attribute is the asp-for attribute that takes the name of a PageModel property. This results in the correct name attribute being generated so that form values are bound correctly to the model when the form is posted back to the server.

In the previous example, the EmailAddress property is passed to the input tag helper as follows:

<input asp-for="EmailAddress" />

The resulting HTML is as follows:

<input type="text" id="EmailAddress" name="EmailAddress" value="" />

Further information

Request Verification

The Razor Pages framework includes security as a feature. When you add a <form> element with a method attribute set to post, an additional hidden form field is generated for the purposes of validating that the form post originated from the same site. This process is known as Request Verification. Although not advisable, you can turn this feature off. You can read more about why this safety check is included and how to manage it here.

Last updated: 10/28/2020 4:34:48 PM

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